Your bent penis condition, known as Peyronies Disease, does not have to be permanent. In fact, 99% of the time, even severe penis curvature is one of the easiest physical conditions to correct!
Bent penis: Symptom — Overview covers definition, possible causes of this condition.
Learn where on the spectrum the curvature of your penis falls under, from straight like an arrow to an extreme curve, and what it can say about your health.
What is Penis Curvature? Growth of fibrous plaques or lumps in Peyronie’s disease is one of the main reasons of penile curvature.The lump and inflammation cause pain and discomfort as the penis is forcibly bent on one side during erection or flaccid state.
Even normal-size men may suffer small-penis syndrome — fear that their penis is too small — and seek unproven penis-lengthening treatments. But some men do suffer micropenis or inconspicuous penis.
Hypospadias, which is an accident of birth, is a condition where the opening of a man’s penis is found somewhere back along the shaft, anywhere from tip to base.
A bent penis is an erect penis that curves to one side or the other — and in most cases, it is absolutely normal. A curved penis simply can be a result of individual anatomy.
Can you fix a bent penis? Yes! You can fix a bent penis easily and safely if you do it correctly. And, you can do it at a surprisingly low.
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Problems with the penis and other personal issues . Unfortunately there are no shortage of things that can go wrong with the penis, and they can be fairly distressing.